The fastest way for girls to lose weight is simple leg exercise to help you

Now girls like to wear high-heeled shoes, but it's often easy to feel the soreness and swelling of their legs. There are also many girls who have become strong muscle legs because of wearing high-heeled shoes. So what should we do? Weight loss experts recommend girls the fastest way to thin legs, simple leg exercise to help you.

Methods of wearing slippers to beautify legs

Today's girls usually like to wear high-heeled shoes when they go shopping, but although high-heeled shoes are good-looking and temperament, it is very easy to make the leg muscles feel tired, and it is also easy to cause the problem of small thick leg muscles. If you really can't give up high-heeled shoes, it's also a good idea to wear slippers at home to relax and shrink the legs. The following is to recommend a slipper leg method, simple and practical and super effective.

Leg strength exercise

Preparation: sitting position, back support of hands, knees bent. Feet flat, slightly apart

Action: 1. Support with hands and feet, lift buttocks to "bridge" shape.

2. Lift the heel.

3. The heel of the shoe is lifted up together with the heel, and the body falls back and hangs in the air.

4-6. Keep the posture of 3.

7. Put down the heel.

8. Return to the ready position. Do it repeatedly to strengthen the leg muscles.

Calf muscle exercises

Preparation: sit up straight with legs bent and knees extended, hands flat on knees.

Movement; 1. Put your hands on the floor.

2. Lie on your back half supine.

3. Raise your legs and keep your feet and slippers on.

4. Continue to raise your legs to stand upside down, with your weight on your shoulders, your legs as straight as possible, and your feet in slippers.

5-7. Keep the posture of 4.

8. Put your legs down in a ready position. Do it repeatedly to exercise the calf muscles.

So when you get home, put on your slippers and do some leg thinning exercises to relax your legs.