Tips of leg beauty and slimming and easy exercise of long legs

The girls in the lower body are almost all working workers who sit for a long time. So how can you improve this problem if you don't have time to exercise? In fact, you can do some simple sports at home, oh, weight loss experts recommend the secret and exercise of leg reduction, and the big long legs can be easily practiced.

Lean leg movement

Step1: first stand in front of the chair, with both hands in the waist, the left leg bending backward, the back of the foot leaning on the chair, then the right leg squats slowly until it bends to 90 degrees, keeps the posture for 2 seconds, then slowly stands straight, then repeat the action for 15 to 20 times, then exchange the two legs, and continue to do 15-20 times. It is only effective to insist on doing it back and forth three times each time.

Step2: stand with legs apart and chair on the right. Hold the chair back with your right hand, then tiptoe and bend your knees. Form 90 degrees between your thigh and calf. Lean back to keep the body part of your head straight to your thigh. Hold the chair back firmly with your right hand to maintain balance, and stand upright for two seconds. Do 15 to 20 times repeatedly each time.

Step3: first, hold your fist tightly and hold your fist to the chest position, and step forward on your right foot. Bend your left knee 90 degrees slowly and lift your right leg straight. Pause for 5 seconds and change legs for the same action. Repeat 15 to 20 times each time.

Step4: stand with legs apart, as wide as shoulder. Then hold a dumbbell in your hands and put it in front of your chest, and your elbows are parallel to your shoulders. Then bend the knees slowly until 90 degrees, and keep the waist straight for 5 seconds, and then stand up slowly. Repeat 20 times a day to help shape the perfect line of the leg.

Step5: stand with two legs apart, holding hands to each other and holding them to the chest. Move your right leg slowly to the right, and squat down slowly until you bend to 90 degrees. Hold your position for 5 seconds and then stand straight and close your legs. Then the legs are exchanged to do the same posture. Do 15 to 20 times back and forth at a time.

Step6: stand with legs apart, as wide as shoulders. Hold the two sections of dumbbell in both hands and lift them to the neck. Then bend forward, lift the hips hard until the lines on the hips and back are parallel to the ground, hold the position for 5 seconds, and then stand up slowly. Do 15 to 20 times back and forth at a time.

STEP7: first, two legs are close together, each holding a dumbbell in both hands, and slowly stretch the left leg straight and backward until the whole body is parallel to the ground, and the arms are straight down. Remember, the center of gravity should be on the right leg. Then slowly close up and stand straight, change the right leg to repeat the left leg. Keep going back and forth 15 to 20 times each time.