Yoga before pregnancy helps to get pregnant

For pregnant women, if we choose traditional Chinese medicine for pre pregnancy conditioning, we usually recommend Chinese medicine for tonifying qi and enriching blood, and the prescribing prescription of Chinese medicine will eliminate the bias of drugs through reasonable compatibility, so pregnancy during the period of taking medicine will not cause adverse effects on children.

Of course, the traditional Chinese medicine conditioning before pregnancy needs to be carried out under the guidance of doctors. Women who are eager for their children should not take tonics.

People with enough Qi and blood, if they eat more drugs to replenish blood and Qi, they will get angry easily, which is not conducive to pregnancy.

Women in the preparation stage of pregnancy should avoid strenuous exercise. It is suggested that they should mainly practice meditation, sitting Baduanjin and so on, which can achieve the purpose of calming the mind, replenishing qi and promoting blood circulation. Wuqinxi and static yoga are also suitable for pre pregnancy exercise. It is recommended that female friends practice meditation before going to bed during pregnancy preparation period, which can help them sleep well and wake up feeling energetic.

Chinese medicine believes that the key to pre pregnancy conditioning is to dredge Qi and blood, and massage the Shenshu, Xinshu and bladder Shu Points of the Taiyang bladder meridian.

Many young women are under great pressure at work. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that long thinking hurts the spleen and the spleen loses its healthy function, which will lead to deficiency of Qi and blood. Therefore, another key point of pre pregnancy conditioning is to strengthen the spleen. Therefore, it is suggested that more yam and coix seed before pregnancy can be added to the congee or the stew.

How to sit quietly before going to bed? The main points of Chinese Yoga Association's meditation before going to bed are as follows: you can naturally cross your legs and sit together, with your back straight, your hands facing up, your right back flat on your left heart, and your two thumbs gently touching each other; The left and right shoulders should be slightly opened until they are flat and moderate, and the anterior palate should be adducted, but the head should not be lowered, and the left and right arteries of the neck should be slightly pressed; Eyes slightly open, eyes randomly determine the front two or three meters, or slightly closed; Gently lick your tongue against your palate.

In addition, when you sit in meditation, you should pay attention to one thing. This thing can be a beautiful natural scene, such as the seaside, the grass, and the flowers. You can fully feel it with your five senses and find the feeling of being on the scene. You can also focus on breathing, listen to the rhythm of even breathing, or gaze at a candle light. When you continue to focus on one thing, you can achieve meditation. It only takes ten minutes to complete this set of sit ins before going to bed every day.