The benefits of Office Yoga

Using lunch break to do some simple office yoga at the police desk can not only reduce the symptoms of cervical and lumbar muscle strain, but also keep fit easily. Come along with your colleagues!

1. Straight chest

Scheme: basic breathing

Method: sit on the chair, legs together. Straighten your arms, hold the chair, lower your jaw, and straighten your spine. First, relax the abdomen, inhale through the nose, and expand the chest, so that the chest and abdomen are filled with Qi, and the stomach bulges; Then relax the jaw, exhale, relax the chest at the same time, the stomach gradually disappear. Exhale to use twice the time of inhalation, slowly exhale from the nose, after exhaling, hold your breath for 1 ~ 2 seconds.

Note: the breathing of breathing is divided into deep breathing, light breathing and static breathing. Different breathing methods are used according to the range and difficulty of the movements. No matter what you do, you should adjust your breathing in this way before and after practice, 5 seconds at a time.

Efficacy: firm chest, prevent chest sagging at the same time, but also make the mood stay happy and comfortable.

2. Flexible neck

Scheme: chair pressure head type

Methods: after adjusting the sitting posture, keep the spine upright and breathe evenly. Inhale and lift your right hand to the side of your head; Exhale, stretch your head to the right, relax your left shoulder and keep breathing; Inhale again, head back, lower left hand. The left hand and right hand positions are exchanged for the opposite side exercises of the same movement.

Note: keep the spine upright when doing a small range of upper body medial motion.

Efficacy: you can use this move to stretch the neck muscles timely, relax the brain, relieve the pressure of the long-term downward bending of the spine and the tension of the shoulders, make the neck straight, beautiful, and exude a confident and elegant temperament.

3. Waist and abdomen

Scheme: stand and turn back

Methods: stand at the desk, hold your hands tightly, turn when you inhale, rest for 15 ~ 30 seconds, breathe naturally, and then return to exhalation. Four times on each side.

Note: when turning, turn the waist, chest, neck and head, fix the feet, straighten the back muscles, turn the head backward as far as possible, and look far away. It's best to see the green objects and relax the eyes.

Efficacy: twisting the abdomen can stimulate the spine and internal organs, promote hormone secretion, make the body very comfortable, the mind very clear, and put into the work again with full spirit.