Office Yoga inspires spirit and cultivates body shape

Wearing high-level clothes and white-collar people who enter and exit the high-level office buildings are really enviable, but white-collar workers themselves are deeply aware that sitting all day long will not only make themselves feel tired, but also affect their body and make their bodies fat and look like. To keep your lean body, you must practice this office yoga.
The first move: to inspire the spirit
Syndrome: stay up late the day and catch up with the papers, and come to work in the morning. It's a bit of a lethargy
Action: Mountain stretch
Do this: lift your hands up in ten. Inhale up, eyes up. Exhale, and sink your shoulders.
Benefits: this exercise can adjust your breath, shake off fatigue, and mobilize your energy.
Tips: try to arrive at the office 15 minutes in advance, choose a position near the window and keep ventilation. Face the sun, feel the energy of nature is filled in their own body.
The second move: relieve tension
Syndrome: meeting with important customers right now. You feel the muscles are stiff and the brain is blank
Action: shoulder stretch forward bend
Do this: legs stand wide, toes inward, and fingers cross. Bend forward, stretch shoulders, bend, and head as close to the ground as possible. Keep breathing for 3-5 times. Look up and get up slowly.
Benefits: this action can fill the brain with blood and oxygen when it touches the ground under the head, helping you keep your brain awake. It also stretches your shoulders and muscles to give you full relaxation.
Tips: inhale down, exhale and relax.
The third move: beautify the body line
Symptoms: because of long-term ambush work, your shoulder and cervical spine feel stiff, and the more fat you accumulate in the waist and abdomen
Action 1: neck surround
Do this: inhale. Press your right hand gently on the head, turn left, and then change your hand in the opposite direction and do it again.
Benefits: relieve neck fatigue.
Tips: this action should be slow and uniform, keeping the shoulder sinking.

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