The principle of cupping to lose weight

Cupping is a very common health care project, which can be found in many beauty salons or health clinics. Many friends say that cupping can play a role in weight loss, so, what is the principle of reducing weight by pulling the cupboard?

The principle of weight loss by pulling out the cupboard

Cupping can make people metabolism increase faster, and also can reduce gastric acid secretion. If people choose professional institutions to pull out the cupboard, it can play a weight loss role. But if everyone's obesity belongs to pathological obesity or the weight of everyone is particularly high, it is very difficult to choose the way to pull out the cupboard to lose weight.

It is important to note that although the advantages of cupping are very many, it is not obvious that all people are suitable for the cupping. If people are anaemic or have heart problems, then people try not to pull out the cupboard at this time. If people have eczema or ulcers on their skin, it is not suitable for cupping.

What is the principle of weight loss by pulling out the fire pot? From the article, we can see that people can promote fat metabolism and inhibit gastric acid secretion, so that it can play a role in weight loss. But if people are obese pathologically or people are very obese, it is difficult to choose to pull out the cupboard to lose weight. If people have ulcers on their skin or eczema on their skin are very serious, then try not to pull out the cupboard.