Why does winter run have a headache

Why does winter run have a headache

For people who keep fit and lose weight, they can't stop exercising even in winter, but many people will have headache after running, especially in winter. Let's take a look at the reasons and solutions with Xiaobian.

Winter running headache is likely to be caused by the thin air. In winter, the weather is cold, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is large, and the breathing air can't keep up when exercising, so it will cause headache.

Headache after running may be due to lack of oxygen or brain blood supply. If you have rhinitis, cold wind during running may also cause headache. Or people who suffer from diseases such as neurasthenia, anemia, migraine, chronic rhinitis, chronic otitis media and so on are prone to headache, and it is easier to strengthen the discomfort of headache after strenuous running.

In addition, there will be a lot of sweat in the process of running. If you don't change your sweaty clothes in time after running, you will catch a cold and have a headache. Or in the process of running, do not master the landing posture of running, such as two feet landing too hard, with the feet following the ground and other posture, or running on the less elastic field, are easy to shake the brain in the process of running, causing headache.

How does headache do after running in winter

1. Eat properly before running to prevent hypoglycemia. Because running is a strenuous exercise, you can't eat too much. You can eat a banana or a small steamed bun.

2. The intensity of running should be controlled. According to their physical strength, to gradually increase the amount of exercise, do not suddenly increase the intensity of running.

3. Warm up and organize before and after running. Warming up can help the body adapt to running faster, while organizing activities can help relax the body muscles

4. Combine work with rest and carry out proper sports activities. Generally speaking, the phenomenon of dizziness after strenuous exercise is not necessarily hypoglycemia. Generally, hypoglycemia has some other symptoms. You must pay attention to judge whether there are sweating, dizziness and other phenomena. One of the most difficult things to do after strenuous exercise is to have a rest immediately. Immediate rest will cause our muscle contraction to stop immediately, and the blood will not flow back to the heart in time. So it can lead to the phenomenon of headache after strenuous exercise, and even lead to shock when it is serious.