How to quickly thin leg and hip squat movement method

It is said that the buttocks and legs show temperament, but also can add their own charm, which is true, a good figure is to make people feel good. So, how fast thin leg thin buttock? Today, I'll teach you how to squat, and raise your hips and legs in one step. If you want to see an immediate effect, you can try it right away.

Lean thigh + hip lift + back jump squat warm up

1. First of all, prepare a stable long stool, the kind of wide and fixed stool of the gym;

2. Warm up next to the stool to fully stretch your muscles;

Lean thigh + buttock + back jump squat

1. Step on the stool with both feet, do squatting, lean forward slightly, straighten your hands and lift them up, parallel to the ground;

2. The buttocks should be tilted back, the knees should be bent, the body should be balanced, and the eyes should be in front;

Lean thigh + buttock + back jump squat 2

1. The left foot jumps down to step on the ground, and the tip of the right foot touches the edge of the stool;

2. In this process, the upper body should try to keep the original position;

Lean thigh + hip lift + beautiful back jump squat

1. Step on the ground with your right foot, and then stand with both feet at the same time;

2. Pay attention to a certain distance from the stool, stretch your legs and jump off the ground at the same time;

3. Both feet fall on the stool at the same time to stabilize the center of gravity;

4. This group of movements is a little difficult, we must pay attention to safety;

Four movements of thin thigh + hip raising + back jumping squat

1. According to the posture of action one, continue to do squatting on the stool, waist and abdomen to force;

2. Hold this position for 1 minute;

Five movements of thin thigh + hip raising + back jumping squat

1. Standing on the ground with both feet;

2. Keep hands flat all the time;

3. Jump to the back stool again, be sure to step on it carefully.