How does postpartum back adipose reduce

How does postpartum back adipose reduce

People with too much fat on their back will look very fat. How can we reduce the fat on their back? How does back fat form? Now let's have a look together!

Back weight loss 1. Push up and running

Lie face down with your arms bent, palms on the floor, outside your shoulders, hips the same width, under your toes. Exhilarate your abdomen in tension as you press your body all the way up into a full waist straight.

Raise your right foot and 'run' your right knee to chest, then quickly switch to make your left knee to chest. Switch 4 times, then put yourself down to your original position. This is a representative. Try doing it 10 times on one side (you may have to work to 10 times or modify your knee push).

Back weight loss II. Yti improves back weight

Press on your last palm and run down all the way to the floor, pointing to your toes. Reach your arms over your head and thumb up. Extend your spine, lift your chest (this is your 'y') and keep your toes on the floor. Open your arms to the sides ("t"), then reach your arms, all the way back to your feet ("I"), if you can reach higher through your spine. Go back to the starting position. This is a representative. Do it 10 times.

Back weight loss 3. Side abdomen tightening

Lie on your right side, knees straight, feet folded. Hold your upper body on your right elbow and forearm. Raise your hips until your body is in a straight line from the ankles to your shoulders and put your left hand behind your head.

Slowly lower your right hip on the floor as you rotate your left elbow to your right hand. Tap your right hip on the floor (don't sit on it), then lift the back up to open your elbow for you and return to the starting position. This is a representative. Please on the left and right, 15 times.

Back weight loss back weight loss 4. Kneeling swimming

Sit on both sides of your knees with your arms. Press your hips back and lean forward from your hips to lower your body as you sweep your arms back behind you. Circle your arm overhead as you press your hips forward and up to raise your knees. Make a full circle with your arm, your speed, when you go, 30 repetitions in each direction.

Back weight loss 5. Tightening and stretching

Lie on your back with your heels together, your feet bent and your knees to your sides. Lift your head and shoulders off the ground and use your hips to reach your arms and fall to the ground.

Press out, through your heel, extend your leg straight at a 45 degree angle, squeeze your inner thighs together. Lift the tension in your abdomen and lower your legs as far down as possible without arching your lower back.

Lift your legs back to your 45 degree angle, then bend your knees back to your starting position (keep your head up all the time). This is a representative. Repeat 15 times.

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