Honey white vinegar water diet

In summer, in order to lose weight, sisters have no need of its extreme, so honey white vinegar water weight loss method is how, next together to learn more about it~

Honey white vinegar water diet

Principle: honey has excellent germicidal and detoxification effects. It can let the waste that stays in the body be discharged from the outside, improve the metabolism of the whole body, and make the excess fat accumulated in the body as energy and burn because it can not be consumed well. Honey sugar can be transported from the stomach to blood, it can become energy, and quickly eliminate fatigue. Because of the increase of blood glucose, the feeling of satiety increases, and hunger disappears.

Methods: drink on an empty stomach 20 minutes before breakfast; Drink immediately after Chinese and dinner; The proportion of honey vinegar is 1:4 and then mixed with warm boiled water.

As long as 30 grams of honey is added to a liter of water, it can be seasoned with two tablespoons of apple vinegar. If you drink for two or three days, it will have unexpected effects. On average, it will lose about three to four kilograms. Honey can be added to water before breakfast, and a small amount of porridge is eaten for lunch and dinner. People usually feel relaxed and happy after eating honey two days. After five days, you can eat noodles and other digestible things, and then slowly restore the original diet.

Note: when choosing white vinegar, you should choose the products processed by rice, sorghum, soybeans (pay attention to the trademark, generally indicate acidity), and avoid chemicals as much as possible. At the same time, it is suggested not to use fruit vinegar, because vinegar is health vinegar, which is less than weight loss. At the same time, the proportion of honey and white vinegar can be adjusted according to personal needs, and if more attention is paid to beauty, the proportion of honey can be increased appropriately.

Honey has many functions, low heat, not only to increase the detoxification ability of liver, but also to improve the stomach, digestion and other effects, its heat is very low, so with honey weight loss, simple and effective and safe, a month weight can be reduced by 8-10 Jin. But the vinegar really doesn't taste good. After a few days, I was not used to the taste. Ha ha, but I can bear it for the sake of being more beautiful. Sisters, if you have tried many methods that have not been successful, I suggest you don't try this method. I believe that if you insist on you, you will be surprised. I hope the sisters will reach their ideal weight as soon as possible.

White vinegar beauty

Face washing

White vinegar daily face washing method:

Every time you wash your face, put a small bowl of water and add a small amount (two tablespoons) of white vinegar, pour it into the water, mix it up, and rush to your face, or simply immerse your face in warm water. Then pour out the water and start the normal face washing procedure.

White vinegar wrinkle removal and face washing method:

White vinegar can reduce wrinkles: after washing your face at night, mix 1 teaspoon of vinegar and 3 teaspoons of water, fill with cotton balls, gently rub the wrinkled areas on your face, and then gently massage with your finger belly to wash. This method can help eliminate the tiny wrinkles on the face.


White vinegar softens skin:

A. Wash your face and hands first, then immerse them in warm water with vinegar, and wash them with clean water after 5 minutes. If you do this for a long time, your skin will be smooth and delicate. The amount of vinegar added in the water should be less, and the water will not change color.

B. The white vinegar and water in accordance with the ratio of 1:3, can be packed in a mineral water bottle. After washing face every morning and evening, gently pat white vinegar water on face with palm, don't use too much at a time, just a little bit. You just feel wet all over your face. Occasionally, you can wash your face with this kind of water.

White vinegar for removing and removing freckles:

Use white vinegar to pound into the Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz, mix it properly, seal and soak for one week. After washing the face every day, wipe the long spot on the face. Over time, freckles will gradually disappear and fade away.

White vinegar dispels tiredness:

For bath, add 1 ~ 2 tbsp vinegar in warm water, after bath, it can not only remove the aged cuticle of skin, but also eliminate fatigue, refresh the spirit, and make the face look very ruddy.

White vinegar can also inhibit dandruff

Before going to bed every night, use 1:1 vinegar and water to wet the dandruff, gently rub the hair roots, and wash with water after 10 minutes. This can inhibit the excessive generation of dandruff, and can eventually cure. Washing your hair with warm water with vinegar also works.

White vinegar hairdressing:

After each shampoo with neutral shampoo, rinse the hair with warm water with a little vinegar, and rinse with water after 20 minutes. Slowly, the hair will become soft and shiny, dark and bright.


1. Toner

Materials: white vinegar, glycerin.

Formula 1: skin thick black. White vinegar: Glycerin = 2:1 mixed, often on the skin, 2-3 times a day, can make the skin moist, reduce melanin deposition, after a month, the skin is delicate, white and tender, clean, smooth, elastic, full of beauty

Formula 2: dry and itchy skin. White vinegar: Glycerin 4:1 mixture, while the pores open after washing or bathing, when the skin is not dry, applied to the skin, has a good effect

Formula 3: Grandma's skin super moisturizing secret recipe. White vinegar + glycerin + Astragalus membranaceus, this formula is very moisturizing and a little sticky, so you don't need to apply skin cream after use. This formula is suitable for night use

Recipe 4: the recipe of the goblin. White vinegar: Glycerin: pure water = 1:2:4, summer white vinegar more, winter glycerin more points. Personally think that if glycerin put too much will be very sticky, then if you use a face cream will stick together, so the more respected white vinegar a little more method, but if the vinegar taste too big, then add some pure water!

2. Skin rejuvenation and acne elimination

Formula 1: white vinegar + pure water. White vinegar: pure water = 1:3. After washing the face every morning and evening, gently pat the white vinegar on the face with the palm of your hand. You don't need to use too much at a time, just a little bit. You think the whole face is moist. Occasionally, you can use this kind of water to wash the face. If you persist for a week, you will get the effect. The skin is very tender, and there is no acne, the acne scar is light, and the skin doesn't oil, The pores also shrink.

Formula 2: white vinegar + cucumber juice. White vinegar: cucumber juice = 1:1, apply to face after washing, wash off after 10 minutes, 3 times a day, use for half a month

Formula 3: white vinegar on face. After washing your face every night, evenly touch your face with a little white vinegar (avoid around your eyes) for 10 to 15 minutes. When you feel a layer of dry film on your face, wash it off with clean water,

When you do it for the first time, you will feel a little pain like doing facial sterilization. Don't worry about the germicidal effect of white vinegar. Bear with it. After washing your face, you will find that the place smeared with vinegar is a little red. Don't worry about sleeping all morning and you will be OK (so you can only do it at night).. Insist on this, once or twice will not have obvious effect, but insist on a week, you will find your skin will become very thin, you will also find yourself white.

3. Freckle removal

Materials: Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz

Formula: mix Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz with white vinegar, seal and soak for a week. After washing face every day, wipe the long spots on the face, and the freckles will disappear gradually and fade over time

Make good use of your white vinegar to beauty bar, but to remind a sentence, if the skin partial sensitive mm to be careful to try.